About This Game LOSE YOUR MIND. EAT YOUR CREW. DIE.Sunless Sea is a Gothic Horror RPG with a focus on exploration, exquisite storytelling and frequent death.Captain a Victorian steamship on a vast underground seaIf the giant crabs, sentient icebergs and swarms of bats don’t get you, madness and cannibalism certainly will. But that old black ocean beckons, and there’s loot for the brave souls who dare to sail her.Seek out intriguing individuals for your crewHire unique officers like the Haunted Doctor and the Irrepressible Cannoneer. Each has a story to tell, if you can draw it out of them. Stray from the gas-lamps of civilisationLight and dark, terror and madness: spend too long on the wide, dark sea and your crew will grow fearful and eventually lose their sanity. Carve a life for your captain in a cruel and unique worldA deep, compelling world packed with 350,000+ words of stories and secrets. Find your father’s bones. Determine London’s destiny. Defy the gods of the deep sea.Your captain will die.Pass on resources from one generation to the next. Acquire a family home and a hoard of heirlooms. Build a legacy of zailors who braved the sea and lost - or, occasionally, won.FeaturesBeautiful, hand drawn art - castles of sparkling ice, prisons perched on lily pads, fog-shrouded lighthouses and the DAWN MACHINE. Real-time combat against ships and Zee-beasts, spider-crewed dreadnoughts and sentient icebergs.Upgrade your steamship with powerful engines, cannons and pneumatic torpedo guns. (Or buy a bigger, better ship.) Choose a ship’s mascot: the Comatose Ferret, the Wretched Mog, the Elegiac Cockatoo, and more! Trade or smuggle silk and souls, mushroom wine and hallucinogenic honey.Who are Failbetter Games?We’re a boutique games studio based in London, UK. We’ve been making indie games since 2009. If you’ve read this far, this game is almost certainly for you. 1075eedd30 Title: SUNLESS SEAGenre: Adventure, Indie, RPGDeveloper:Failbetter GamesPublisher:Failbetter GamesRelease Date: 6 Feb, 2015 SUNLESS SEA Download Utorrent Windows 7 Very unique but don't feel sad if you decide to mod it to be less punishing. The gameplay isn't as good as the setting.. If you like Lovecraft, play this.If you like reading, play this.If you like to go "yeah yeah" and skip past the text in your quest-lines... Pick a different game.This is a story-based game, where actually paying attention is important.It's got good music, creatures, storyline, atmosphere.It's entertaining for hours on end.It's a GOOD game.But I can see where it wouldn't be for everyone.It's certainly for me though.. Atmospheric and absorbing. The main feature of the game is the setting and lore which you explore, which are bizarre and fascinating; when there's a lull in discovery and you're just crawling from port to port, it gets a bit grind-y. I love it but if you're the "hardcore gamer" type it's unlikely to appeal to you.. It's important to know I'm not a big fan of reading games. That might be because most reading games, don't write their stories very well. That's not true when it comes to Sunless Sea.Recently picked it up to stream, and I will admit it's not a fantastic game to stream as it's VERY slow paced with A LOT of reading to do. However, this is exactly why you should pick it up.Every location is incredibly well written, and the stories told are fantastic and really draw me in. I can't think of a single port where I wasn't enthralled and didn't care to know more. It's all fascinating, and the choices you make feel great. There are certainly moments where you are sweating over "Should I try this? It will end me if I do... But, I must know more!"The best game I can compare this too, is a board game called Arkham Horror. If you enjoy that sorta thing, this is definitely a game for you and I don't mean that by atmospheric quality. I mean you go to ports and you draw cards almost (almost) like you would in Arkham Horror, but with a touch more control.Give it a whirl, if you're the person above. If you're looking for a very strategic RPG with ships in a dark setting, this may not be the game for you. It's mechanics are not that fantastic. However, to me, that is not why you play this game. This is a game definitely played for exploring it's many rich stories as best you can before you drown at sea.. A true exercise in tedium. The concept is great and the game world is well done, but the execution is sorely lacking. This game follows a 'trial and death' approach in the same fashion as Limbo (which is a phenomenal game btw) but rather than each death taking 30-90 seconds, Sunless Sea's iterations take anywhere from 45 minutes to 3 hours. If the idea of slowly (excruciatingly, painfully slowly) exploring a portion of a mysterious map for a couple hours only to get randomly and instantaneously killed by a new enemy that has spontaneously appeared in a previously safe area so that you can slowly repeat the entire process all over again is appealing to you, you will love this game. Otherwise I recommend steering clear. Note that the game is only minutely pseudorandom in map and story generation, so you are basically literally replaying the exact same content over and over again with extremely minor variations as you slowly progress, only to get killed by some random event and restart the entire process all over again. Your time is almost definitely better spent elsewhere.
SUNLESS SEA Download Utorrent Windows 7
Updated: Mar 22, 2020